Can I See Your Smile Again in Spanish

Has a Castilian speaker ever told yous that you are from the year of the pear?

If aye, how rude of them!

Has i of your Spanish-speaking friends confessed to being without white? Or in leathers?

Don't worry if odd Spanish phrases like this have left you feeling a fiddling confused—it happens to the best of Spanish students.

If you lot aren't fried (run into #15 beneath) and want to feed your curiosity with answers, come in and have a sit.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, and that ane dog over at that place, I come bearing an idiom post one time again. Freshly baked. Still hot, directly from the Castilian oven. So, I hope yous are hungry.

Why Should You Learn Spanish Idioms?

Idioms. During the last few days I have been wondering what to write about idioms. Paradoxically, nothing came to mind. I say "paradoxically" because at that place are so many idioms in the Castilian language—and pretty much any other linguistic communication, for that matter—that anyone could spend their whole life writing almost them. That is but ane important reason why you have to larn them: There are many Spanish idioms, and they often announced in chat. There is so much to write almost, nevertheless I was suffering from the then-called BPS, or Blank Folio Syndrome.

Writing about idioms is non so easy every bit explaining grammar or giving communication on how to better your speaking skills. Idioms are an abstract entity, frequently with layers of meaning, dash and humour. That is exactly why it is and then very important to spend time studying Castilian idioms. You won't empathize what they hateful in conversation if you haven't already learned them. You either know what idioms mean or yous don't—you usually tin't guess their meanings from context lone.

Then I remembered that making lists is my favorite pastime. I honey making lists. If I am preparing a new course, I brand a listing. If I am packing, I make a list. When I am bored, I make lists. Grocery shopping, housework, books I desire to read… list, list and list. Hello, my name is Franko, and I am a list freak. So, I am going to give it to you lot straight. A minimalist list of Spanish idioms, served common cold, with their literal meanings, figurative meanings and usage examples on the side. A serious, politically correct, mature list of Castilian idioms. But no humor or jokes this time.

Await, did you guys seriously buy all of that? I was simply kidding! I will teach you these Spanish idioms with a adept dose of humour and cultural tangents, as always. Simply buckle up and accept fun! Castilian idioms are and then worthwhile to learnbecausethey are irreverent, tongue-in-cheek and only plain funny.Knowing these will add a dose of humor to your current Spanish knowledge, and will assist you put a smile on the faces of native Spanish speakers.

17 Castilian Idioms That Are Just Patently Crawly

These idioms come from my personal experience with Spanish Spanish (Castellano, from Kingdom of spain)but they tin can be used in all regions of the Spanish-speaking world. Of course, some regional variations may apply—if yous are non sure almost which idioms are used in a certain country, inquire a local friend. Chatting about idioms is always fun, anyway!

Alternatively, you can too listen to authentic Castilian videos like the ones on FluentU.

If you lot're looking for a method to familiarize yourself with Spanish as well equally deepen your knowledge of the culture, FluentU is the best manner to get!

1. Estar en la edad del pavo

Literal translation: to be in the historic period of the turkey

English language pregnant: to be at that awkward age (teenage years)

When referring to those awkward teenage years, we talk turkey.

In Spanish, we have a tendency to exaggerate and make farthermost comparisons. This idiom, however, is one of those with which I accept to hold 100 percent. I take likewise been a teenager, and I know how turkey-like my ain behavior was at times.

You may think that teenagers and turkeys do not have anything in mutual, just have a expect once more.

Withal nothing? Okay, let me help you.

Imagine a circle of teenagers talking near boys and girls that they like like. Can yous hear the awkward laughter in the distance? Doesn't it sound similar turkeys gobbling? Maybe that doesn't ring true for you, but I retrieve I can still convince y'all.

Do you remember when you were growing up and your vocalization started to crack? Well, that nifty is called gallo (cock, rooster) in Spanish, another reference to domesticated birds.

Do you remember the awkward things you said and did when you were 15? Do you ever look back at them and want to disappear from the face of the Earth? Those empty-headed, awkward things can be called pavadas in Spanish—things a turkey would do.

You may or may not concord that a teenager'south beliefs can exist equally weird, empty-headed or bad-mannered as a turkey'southward behavior (or vice versa), merely Spanish does not intendance if y'all agree. Remember, the Spanish language is full of irony and sense of humor, and this expression is a perfect example of that. Have a look at this example:

Miguel, tienes 35 años ya, deja de hacer el tonto. ¡Ya no estás en la edad del pavo! — Miguel, you are 35 already, finish playing the fool. Yous are not at that awkward historic period any more!

Teenagers won't feel offended if they hear están en la edad del pavo, because they know information technology and they use this expression likewise. Now become find a group of human turkeys and exercise this expression.

2. Temblar como un flan

Literal translation: to tremble/shake similar flan

English language meaning: to shake like a leaf / similar jelly

Temblar como un flan can also exist phrased as ponerse como un flan (to become a flan) and estar como un flan (to exist like a flan).

This is i of those very descriptive comparisons virtually everybody understands right away.

In English, you can milk shake for many different reasons and you volition express it accordingly—like a leaf, like jelly, similar Clot-O, like a dog, like a Polaroid moving-picture show. In Spanish, we use como united nations flan near universally for any kind of situation that makes us tremble or shake:

Después de ver a su amado, empezó a temblar como un flan. —After seeing her dearest, she started shaking like jelly.

Are you nervous because you are about to sit down an exam? Very probably, you will be temblando como un flan.

Are y'all afraid because of the spider in your room? You are definitely temblando como un flan.

Are you about to propose and you don't know how the other party will react? Yep, you are temblando como un flan.

Even when you have the flu and you are shivering with common cold, you lot tin say that you are temblando como un flan.

It doesn't matter the feeling, the situation or the context. This succulent expression can exist used every time you milkshake, tremble or shiver.

¡Buen provecho!

3. Darle la vuelta a la tortilla

Literal translation: to flip the tortilla/omelette

English meaning: to plow the tide

I am sure most of y'all are already familiar with tortillas, simply the give-and-take tortillacan also refer to an omelette. No matter what type oftortillayou are talking about, it needs to exist flipped during cooking.

Did you know y'all can use a tortillato your reward?

Darle la vuelta a la tortilla is such a normal, culinary phrase that it seems like information technology should always be understood literally. The truth is that this delicious meal hides a second layer of pregnant inside.

Imagine that you and your friends are playing football against another team, and your side is losing quite desperately. And so, the situation starts to change and, by the stop of the match, your team wins by a huge margin of iii goals. What seemed an impossible dream ended up being a deserved victory.

Peradventure your luck changed, maybe your team was finally able to focus and start playing for real, maybe a phenomenon happened or the other team'southward best player broke his ankle. It doesn't affair. (I mean, the reason why doesn't matter—of course I would be concerned if players were breaking their ankles, you guys!)

The situation has changed, and it has inverse considerably. A sure loss turned out to be a definite win. It rotated 180 degrees. A magical flip. Call it what you want. Nosotros Spanish speakers dearest our tortillas, and so we would describe the situation as darle la vuelta a la tortilla.

Íbamos perdiendo, pero le dimos la vuelta a la tortilla y al concluding ganamos. — Nosotros were losing, merely nosotros turned the tide and ended up winning.

Once over again, this is an expression that can be used in many contexts. Every fourth dimension a situation changes completely, or a person changes their mental attitude or mind in such a way that you finish upwardly having a different outcome from the i you were expecting, you can say they have definitely dado la vuelta a la tortilla.

4. Ser del año de la pera

Literal translation: to exist from the year of the pear

English meaning: to be very old

This is one of those expressions y'all need to know merely should utilise carefully.

If something or someone is very erstwhile and/or outdated, yous can say it is del año de la pera. Exist conscientious how you lot utter this, considering some people may exist a little oversensitive and get mad.

Generally, though, using this expression is something quite normal for a lot of people in their everyday lives, and yous will have a lot of situations where you lot volition be able to use it. For example:

No te pongas esa camisa. ¡Es del año de la pera! – Don't article of clothing that shirt. Information technology is very onetime!

Aside from using it to say someone or something is very former or outdated, you lot can use it to say someone lived a long time agone. You can utilise it to depict that something happened a long time agone, that an thought or an object is older than Methuselah, that your clothes are worn out or that your smartphone is as old as the hills. If at that place is something onetime, in that location is a Castilian pear!

What almost yous? Exercise you have something del año de la pera?

5. No hay colour

Literal translation: there is no color

English meaning: there is no comparing / it pales in comparison

I love this expression. It may not seem special or original, but I simply love using it.

Now that you know the English translation, you should not have whatsoever trouble using this idiom in Spanish, but let me requite you a couple of examples then you can see information technology in action:

Mi coche es mucho más rápido que el tuyo. ¡No hay color! — My car is much faster than yours. In that location'south no comparison!

Pensaba que tenía mala suerte, pero tras conocer su historia, no hay color. ¡Pobre Marta! — I thought I was unlucky, but after getting to know her story, mine pales in comparing. Poor Marta!

half-dozen. Estar sin blanca

Literal translation: to be without white

English language meaning: to be broke, not to take money

The blanca was a money used in Espana in the 16th century. Information technology was the least valuable coin, something like a nowadays-day penny.

When you were without anyblanca, you had no money and were a poor person. Even though we utilise very dissimilar coins nowadays, the expression remains with usa and is applied, informally, to whatsoever person who is broke or has no coin in a specific moment in time.

Although yous can apply this expression in order to describe whatever person, it is commonly used by young people when talking well-nigh themselves. Have a expect:

No puedo ir a la fiesta, estoy sin blanca. —I can't go to the party. I have no money.

He gastado todos mis ahorros para comprar un coche y ahora estoy sin blanca. —I have spent all my savings to purchase a car and at present I am penniless.

7. Llover a cántaros

Literal translation: to pelting to pitchers

English pregnant: to rain cats and dogs

I can assure you that "to pelting to pitchers" sounds as weird to yous as "to rain cats and dogs" sounded to me the first time I heard it. I know, it doesn't brand any sense.

Yes, if information technology is raining and you accept a lot of pitchers or jugs in your garden, rain will autumn into them, but apart from that… weird expression, granted.

The proficient news is that you employ it in Castilian as you would use your llover gatos y perros (to rain cats and dogs), so y'all merely demand to substitute 1 for the other.

Have a await:

Estaba lloviendo a cántaros, así que no fuimos al concierto. — Information technology was raining cats and dogs, and then we didn't go to the concert.

No salgas que está lloviendo a cántaros. — Don't go out! It is raining cats and dogs.

Every bit y'all can see from the previous examples, llover a cántaros is an idiom yous will more probable use in its gerund class in order to describe what is/was happening. However, information technology is perfectly possible to apply it in any other tense if you need to:

Iré de compras aunque llueva a cántaros. – I will go shopping fifty-fifty if it rains cats and dogs.

eight. Acostarse con las gallinas

Literal translation: to become to bed with the hens

English language pregnant: to get to bed early on

Information technology was my male parent who told me to add this idiom to this list. He has a subcontract and takes care of a lot of animals, including hens.

I have used this expression all my life and I had never wondered what it meant before. I had a vague idea of what it could mean to go to sleep con las gallinas, only as many people do with their own language's idioms, I had never wondered why it has this meaning.

My dad told me hens are really intelligent animals, fifty-fifty though we may not realize information technology. They can be out effectually the subcontract the whole day, but once the sunday starts to ready, they all go back to the place where they sleep—and they do it by themselves! Their human flagman (my dad, in this case) simply has to close the door and call information technology a mean solar day.

Since the hens ever go to sleep when the sun sets, this idiom started to exist used to describe whatsoever creature or person going to slumber very early. Now you tin can only say you are going to bed with the hens without having to be embarrassed about it:

Son las iv de la tarde y ya estás cansado. Me parece que hoy te vas a acostar con las gallinas. —  It'south 4 p.m. and yous're already tired. I think you'll be going to bed very early today.

This informal expression may of class exist more common in rural areas, but I am sure every Spanish speaker has at least heard of information technology, and well-nigh take probably used it at to the lowest degree once.

9. Arrimarse al sol que más calienta

Literal translation: to get closer to the dominicus that heats the virtually

English language meaning: to know which side one's staff of life is buttered on

This is ane of those expressions that is beautiful until yous know what it really ways.

Indeed, knowing which side of our bread is buttered on is not always negative, but for me, information technology will e'er take negative connotations. Getting closer to the sun that heats the most will always mean that you need something and you are getting closer to the people who can requite it to you, which for me is similar using those people.

Anyway, in that location may be some contexts in which using this idiom tin can describe a good matter, or at to the lowest degree a neutral one. You don't have to want to get a rich super tycoon in order to apply this idiom. Maybe you just want to get a favor from a friend, or want your partner to cook something for you lot.

All the same, I have e'er used this expression not when talking about myself but others, and I have nevertheless to use information technology with a positive pregnant.

Since my work as a language teacher is to teach you everything, good and bad, and I really want you lot to be fluent in Spanish, I however recall yous need to acquire how to utilize this expression. Here you lot have a typical example of its usage:

Michael no me cae bien. Siempre se acerca al sol que más calienta. — I don't like Michael. He always knows which side his bread is buttered on.

x. Ser united nations ave nocturna

Literal translation: to be a nocturnal bird

English meaning:to be a night owl

Here we have an expression that is almost identical in Castilian and in English, and that'due south a plus for me because I don't take to write a long explanation. You already know how and when to use this idiom.

Let me just requite you a couple of examples that will show you lot that ave nocturna and "dark owl" are the same matter:

Me gusta estudiar por la noche. Soy un ave nocturna. — I similar studying at night. I am a nighttime owl.

Mi novio es un ave nocturna. Nunca se va a dormir antes de las ii. — My beau is a night owl. He never goes to sleep earlier ii a.m.

xi. Ser como buscar una aguja en un pajar

Literal translation: to be like looking for a needle in a straw loft

English meaning: to exist like looking for a needle in a haystack

It doesn't matter if we await for them in straw lofts or in haystacks, it seems that looking for needles is in our genes.

Have you lost one of your contact lenses? It will exist as difficult asbuscar una aguja en un pajar, merely we will effort to find it.

Take you forgotten where you parked your motorcar? Try to buscar una aguja en un pajar and you may be luckier!

Jokes bated, this expression is very common among Castilian speakers, and information technology is so similar to its English counterpart that it would be a pity not to take advantage of this.

Yous do not need whatsoever specific instructions in order to start looking for agujas in Castilian. But remember that every time you would say the expression in English, it is a great opportunity to say information technology in Spanish as well:

Hay unas 2.000 personas aquí. Encontrar a María va a ser como buscar una aguja en un pajar. — There are effectually two,000 people in here. Finding María is going to exist like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Good luck finding your needles!

12. Dar a luz

Literal translation: to give to light

English language meaning: to requite birth

I remember this is a very beautiful expression, non simply for the fact that giving nascency (excruciating pain bated) has to be 1 the about wonderful experiences a woman can have, merely as well due to the power of the metaphor.

Yous probably already know that luz ways "light." In that location are many other words related to light in Castilian, simply two of them, alumbrar (to light, to give off light) and alumbramiento (lighting, illumination) are closely linked to giving birth.

When a female parent is giving birth, she is alumbrando. Actually, alumbrar is something that technically happens after someone is born, but nowadays people use alumbrar with the meaning of "to give birth." The process of giving nativity, on the other hand, is chosen alumbramiento.

Hither is the basic idea behind this idiom: When the baby is existence born, he or she goes from a nighttime place to a place total of light. This idiom thus expresses that mother is literally giving light to her infant, and the babe is in the low-cal instead of darkness for the commencement time when he or she is born.

See this example to acquire how to use it in a conversation:

Lucía dio a luz a su segundo hijo hace unas horas. — Lucía gave nascency to her second child a few hours ago.

13. Abrir de par en par

Literal translation: to open of pair in pair, to open up from pair to pair

English meaning: to open up wide, wide open

I take used this expression all my life and I knew it means to open something broad—normally a door, a window or your artillery. Only I had no idea about the origin of this idiom until doing some research just now.

It turns out that, a long time ago, doors used to take two pairs of leaves (dos pares de hojas). When someone wanted to open up their door completely, they demand to open up both pairs, from the first pair to the second pair, then to speak. And, voilà! Our expression was built-in—or fue dada a luz, if you volition.

When using this expression in Spanish, remember that you lot can abrir de par en par many things, not only doors. Practically everything consisting of a pair can be opened de par en par:

Te espero con los brazos abiertos de par en par. — I am waiting for yous with my arms wide open.

Here yous accept some other examples for your collection:

ventanas abiertas de par en par — windows wide open

ojos abiertos de par en par — eyes wide open

corazón abierto de par en par — heart broad open

For that final phrase, don't think of this every bit a heart being literally open. This is actually a very romantic expression. Imagine that you have opened the doors of your eye to somebody. That would exist you having your middle abierto de par en par.

fourteen. Estar en cueros

Literal translation: to be in leathers/in skins

English language meaning: to be naked

Aren't leather jackets awesome? Even fake leather jackets are awesome!

If yous ever go to Kingdom of spain (or Mexico, or Argentina, or any other Spanish-speaking country for that matter) and you lot happen to be naked, you lot will definitely be en cueros. Curiously enough, this expression is ever used in the plural, even though we are supposed to have merely 1 skin. Utilize it in the singular and you will probably not be understood.

Here is i instance:

Juan siempre está en cueros. Juan is always naked.

Yous can use this idiom when yous don't feel comfortable with whatsoever other way of saying "to be naked," only please refrain from using information technology in formal contexts. I know, why would you lot want to talk about beingness naked in a formal meeting? Well, you never know in Spain… summers are really hot!

15. Estar frito

Literal translation: to be fried

English meaning: to be doomed, to be washed for, to be asleep*, to be bored*, to be fed up*

Daughter, I am done for! I lost my wallet, my beau left me, my car has a flat tire… I am so, so frito!

I was supposed to take care of my mom'southward plants, simply I forgot and they withered… I am so frito!When she comes back from Venezuela, she is going to kill me!


But don't worry. Y'all won't e'er be in trouble while being frito. As you can meet, I have marked with an asterisk (*) three of the meanings of the idiomestar frito. We can all agree that these three meanings are not and then troublesome as the offset two ones.

Let'south commencement with the terminal two ones, "to exist bored" and "to exist fed up."

Use estar frito any time you lot are so bored you could easily fall asleep. In this case, it is very common to add the word aburrimiento (boredom) in guild to add intensity to the tedium:

¡Esta película es malísima! Estoy frito de aburrimiento. — This is a very bad movie! I am absolutely bored.

Utilize also estar frito when you take had plenty, when you are fed up with someone or you are fed up with doing something. Equally they say, enough is enough!

Todo esto es demasiado para mí. ¡Estoy frito! — This is all besides much for me. I am fed upwardly with information technology!

Finally, this idiomcan be used when talking about falling comatose. Simply be careful with this context! Yous will need two dissimilar verbs, estar or quedarse, depending on what exactly you lot want to say:

Nos estamos quedando fritos. — Nosotros are falling asleep.

Está frita.She is sleeping. / She has fallen asleep.

Estaba frito cuando volviste. — I was sleeping when you came back.

Note that you lot will also demand to changefritotofritos, frita or fritas depending on the gender and number of the people beingness spoken about.

16. Despedirse a la francesa

Literal translation: to say adieu in the French style

English language meaning: to go out without saying goodbye, to take the French exit

I didn't know that languages like German and English also have an expression similar to despedirse a la francesa—in English, y'all guys say "the Irish Adieu" near commonly. In both English and German, you lot say "the French Exit."

I idea our phrase had something to practice with the common history between Spain and France. While searching for the origin of this idiom, I learned that it was a real custom in 18th-century France to leave parties without proverb farewell to the host.

Anyway, we are here to learn Spanish idioms, not French customs. Since you as well accept this expression in English language and the significant is exactly the aforementioned, I guess in that location is no need for long explanations regarding its use. Simply have an example on the business firm:

Pepe se ha despedido a la francesa y ahora tengo que pagar toda la cuenta. — Pepe has taken the French Go out and now I have to pay the whole bill.

This idiom is very neutral, and so you can apply it in both formal and informal situations. And don't worry, nunca me despediré a la francesa de vosotros(I will never give you guys an Irish Goodbye).

17. No hay tutía

Literal translation: there is no solution, there is no remedy

English language meaning: no way, non gonna happen, forget near it, no die, nothing doing

This is probably i of my favorite Spanish idioms.

There are a lot of people who mistakenly write tutía every bit two split up words—tu tía (your aunt), thinking information technology refers to your aunt—but that is a misspelling you should avert. Tutía comes from an old Standard arabic word, and was used to draw an Arabic medicine that made its way to Spain through trade. Eventually, the discussion tutía became another Spanish fashion to say "remedy" or "solution."That's why we use it to say that something won't happen, or that there'south no solution.

I even encourage y'all to share this spelling and history lesson with your Spanish-speaking friends, every bit they may take no idea!

The idiom is informal, but it is and so universal that you can apply information technology in many, many unlike contexts. It is near e'er separated from the rest of the sentence past a comma, or it is written as a full sentence separately. This is convenient, significant that you do non accept to perform any verb conjugations or any kind of concordance.

I am sure yous will enjoy using this idiom as much equally I do. Just and so you are able to come across how multifaceted it can exist, let me give you a couple of examples:

No irás a la fiesta, ¡no hay tutía! — You will not go to the party. No way!

Tengo que dormir, pero no hay tutía.— I need to sleep, but information technology own't gonna happen. (Mayhap I suffer from insomnia, or my neighbors are having a party.)

No me casaré contigo. ¡No hay tutía! — I will not marry you lot. Forget about it!

It doesn't matter if the state of affairs is formal or informal, if you are with your friends or with your dominate, there volition always be an idiom you lot can utilize in Castilian conversations.

Learning Spanish idioms may seem a picayune challenging at the showtime—particularly since, more often than not, either the literal translation of the idiom has zip to do with its real meaning or at that place isn't a similar expression in English. Merely y'all should keep studying your Spanish idioms anyway.

With patience and an open up mind, remembering Spanish idioms during your conversations will start to come up more than naturally to yous.

Happy learning, and come across you presently!

Francisco J. Vare loves didactics and writing nigh grammar. He's a proud language nerd, and you lot'll normally detect him learning languages, instruction students or reading. He's been writing for FluentU for many years and is one of their staff writers.


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