How to Easily Turn Terracotta Pots into Artistic Planters

How to Easily Turn Terracotta Pots into Artistic Planters {Video}What's your favorite affair about summer? For me, information technology is probably getting out back in my garden and making things abound. At that place is just something so magical nigh being able to plant a seed in the footing and a few weeks later existence able to spotter as it grows into something beautiful (or edible, or both).

Only making a beautiful garden involves more than just planting. You also need beautiful planters and lawn ornaments. Earlier this twelvemonth I learned how y'all tin build a tower of "tipsy pots" for gardening in pocket-sized spaces. I also learned an easier way to create a patio water garden. Now I've institute a video which taught me how I tin make a couple of really cool planter creations using nothing more than simple terra cotta pots!

Video Tutorial:

There are two projects in this video, and both of them are excellent for making use of pocket-sized spaces. So if you are an urban gardener, I think you will specially enjoy these tutorials. But these planters would do a lot to bandbox up whatever patio or garden space. I especially love the really quirky one which involves gluing all the pots together into a sphere shape. When he is putting it together, it is hard to imagine what information technology volition become, or how it could serve every bit a functional planter—only when yous see the final result, I think it will blow your heed. I tin't wait to try these. If you give either project a shot, be certain to share your results with u.s.! Video tutorial by BHG Youtube.


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