How Teacher Moms Can Balance Kids' Extracurricular Activities

It's the end of the school year. Some teachers are already enjoying their sweet summer break, others still have weeks left and some (overachievers) may already be planning adjacent yr. Let's but say—it's a busy time for all of us.

With my own kids at home, summer is crazy. Last yr, I was waking up early to become the kids to their various camps, trying to keep the house from falling into total chaos, and planning vacations and trips to the library, the zoo, the grandparents, etc. By mid-July, I almost wanted to become back to school. At to the lowest degree I'd feel similar I had a legitimate excuse to be then overwhelmed and exhausted.

Information technology got me thinking how crawly it would be to exercise something good—similar volunteering—with my own children, also as how I could plan service learning activities for my students adjacent year. I'll call it my 2018-19 schoolhouse yr resolution, if you lot volition.

I had no idea, just the amazing folks at Allstate Foundation Good Starts Young are making information technology possible for 500 schools and youth groups to receive $250 grants to support volunteer projects through the WE Volunteer Now campaign.

Incredible! Finally, a way that I could earn some money for my students to do skilful in the world, AND something to pass along to my kids' teachers. These grants are provided on a first come, first served basis, then if you're thinking of applying, cheque them out today. Here'south why I love it.

Volunteering makes you lot happy.

Happy kid dancing

Information technology'southward truthful—volunteering has always brought out smiles in my students, and my own kids. They probably don't realize it until they get started, but merely wait. It'll happen. Plus, the options are endless—at that place are plenty of volunteer opportunities out there for children and teens.

Volunteering gives your kids a more open-minded view of the world.

Kid's Extracurricular Activities - Humor

It takes a lot of piece of work to raise children who empathise the earth they alive in, the privileges they take, the challenges they have to struggle against, and how they can be allies to those who need their support. Volunteering is 1 way to give your children a take chances to acquire about situations that require people to take activity. You besides become to teach them toexist the ones who have action. Summer camps are cool—but raising people who are going to make the world a better place is cooler, which is why I love exploring global and local issues.

Volunteering is revitalizing.

Kid's Extracurricular Activities - Teacher

Parenting might just be the hardest and well-nigh important job in the world. Teaching definitely is also up at that place. But both of these jobs take something else in common: You don't always get to see the positive affect your work creates. Volunteering is revitalizing because you get to come across immediately how you lot take improved someone else'due south life, helped an animal, or given dorsum to the customs you honey.

So, if you're like me, and merely trying to brand it through the year, consider signing up for this $250 grant. Yous can use it with your students at whatever time. It sure would brand for a positive dorsum-to-schoolhouse (dare I say it?) transition. Or pass it along to the other teachers in your life. Subsequently all, sharing is caring.

I'm a Teacher-Mom, and This Volunteering Program Just Made My Life Easier


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