Funny Pictures of Governor of Ri

McKee's First 100 Days — Wins and Losses

Thursday, June 10, 2021

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Governor Dan McKee PHOTO: GoLocal

Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee took the oath of office 100 days ago and has firmly established himself in the office he ascended to, but was not elected to.

GoLocal has taken a look at some of his wins and losses of the first 100 days. The new Governor manages in stark contrast to his predecessor and now, U.S.  Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo.

Raimondo and McKee's tone and personal touch could not be more different.


When inaugurated, McKee stated in his address, "Right now, I ask Rhode Islanders to join me, to come together as a team, and meet this moment.

We're going to get the job done. And that job is mobilizing every aspect of state government and engaging elected leaders, educators, first responders, and civic and church leaders in all 39 cities and towns to reach our goal of fully vaccinating Rhode Islanders as quickly as possible."

"We will get through these challenging times – and we will rise together to reach our highest potential. By lifting each other up. By making each other better. By working as a team. As a great team," he said.

Let's take a look at how he has done these first 100 days — see slides below.

Related Slideshow: McKee's First 100 Days

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McKee and his chief of staff Tony Silva deserve credit for creating a functional and effective program to get Rhode Islanders vaccinated.

Rhode Island was ranked at the bottom in the U.S. for the percentage of residents vaccinated when McKee replaced outgoing Governor Gina Raimondo.

Now, the state is ranked in the top five — although the rate has steeply declined recently.

It was a critical win for the McKee administration.

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The Education Governor

Let's give McKee credit. In his first 100 days, he has taken on more critical education issues than his predecessor did in 6-years.

He has firmly established a policy on the role of public charter schools and their expansion.

And, maybe most importantly he has taken on a direct role in ending the chaos of the Providence School system reform.

Read GoLocal's editorial on his efforts HERE.

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Tone — He Is Not Gina

McKee's low-key and folksy Rhode Island approach to governing appears to be welcomed by Rhode Islanders.

He is self-deprecating and readily enjoys meeting with Rhode Islanders at coffee shops and on the street.

While Raimondo asserted that she was always the smartest person in the room, McKee has been refreshing as he often listens to others — in private and publicly.

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Lt. Governor Selection Process

The selection process was an attempt to be transparent, but turned into a "community audition" as his administration allowed anyone to apply and they did.

The process quickly became a joke as a TV weatherman applied and many with no qualifications.

The circus atmosphere also was a deterrent to quality applicants who had little interest in participating in the theater.

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Deliberate or Too Slow

One knock against McKee is that he moves too slow in making decisions.

Members of his inner circle call it "a deliberative approach."

We will see if it works in the next crisis.

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Cleaning House

The new governor has sent packing and accepted the resignation of a number of cabinet and sub-cabinet level staffers.

The latest to go is Janet Coit at Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. McKee has been left cleaning up the financial and healthcare mess created and left by the Raimondo administration.

It is too early to grade his appointments.

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Checking Off the List

McKee coupled with the new Speaker of the House Joe Shekarchi and Senate President Dominick Ruggerio has developed a strong working relationship.

The trio has passed significant legislation at a record clip.

There has been none of the drama of the dysfunctional relationship of the Raimondo and Mattiello era.

Minimum Wage - Passed and Signed

Nursing Home Staffing - Passed and Signed

IGT/Twin River Lottery Agreement - Passed and Awaiting Signing Ceremony

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